Enjoyed by millions across Maharashtra, Mutton Rassa Masala is a spicy and filling delicacy, usually enjoyed with bhakris or chapati/phulkas. With Prakash's Mutton Rassa Masala made of spices like pepper, fennel and cloves, you are sure to have a tasty treat with added health benefits.
Ingredients: Chilli, Coriander, Coconut, Bengal Gram, Common Salt, Sesame, Onion, Cumin, Turmeric, Lichen, Black Pepper, Taj, Cotton Seed Oil, Black Cardamom, Fennel, Bay Leaf, Clove, Caraway, Star Anise, Ginger, Green Cardamom, Asafoetida, Mace, Spices & Condiments.
Method for preparation of paste:
Roast coconut, onion, till dark blakish brown and grind the fine with Garlic - Ginger and Coriander.
Method for preparation of Mutton Rassa:
Ingredients : 500g Mutton. 2 medium sized onions, 3 tbps. Oil (appros 40ml) , 1/2 bowl sliced dry coconut (approx 30g), 8-10 Garlic cloves, 1/2 inch Ginger (4g), Coriander Chopped small bowl, 25g Prakash Khandeshi Mutton Rassa Masala entire packet, 3 cup (approx-700ml) water, salt to taste.
1) Add 1 tsp oil, 1 Chopped Onion, 500g Mutton, 3 cup water and salt in pressure cooker, cook for 4-5 whistles (approx 10-15 min)
2) Heat oil in vessel, add above paste and cook till oil separate.
3) Add Khandeshi Mutton Rassa Masala entire packet cook for 1 min.
4) Add pressure cooked muttom and cook for 10 min. Serve hot with Bhakari, chopped onions and lemons.